
Hi, I’m Linda

Welcome to my blog, Love, Linda Jo. You’ll find stories of our life on the mission field, resources for pastors, & some life lessons I’ve learned along the way.

Win the Day

Win the Day

I read this book at the beginning of the year. I had been thinking seriously about what the Lord would have me place as goals in this season of senior years. Some of those goals were a little overwhelming when I focused on them short term so I was drawn to this book. Batterson the author says “A dream without a deadline is called a wish. You’ve got to put it on the calendar! The way you make time is by scheduling your top priorities first, then letting things of lesser importance fall off your to-do list.”

Seven habits are listed in this book with scriptures and stories of people who show how these habits brought success in reaching their goals.I do not know how Batterson finds these people who have done such phenomenal things but are never heard of.

I will list a few of these expressed in my own words.
Do your most challenging task daily and give it priority. Mark 4:9
If God tells you to do something out of your comfort zone-go for it! Daniel 6:10
Daily, small, Christ-driven habits directed by the Holy Spirit and scripture turn into
big dreams for the kingdom of God. I Kings 18:42
After reading this book I was very hopeful that I could divide my long-term dreams into small daily tasks which would not be overwhelming and get to my desire of fulfilling a purpose the Lord had for me. As the author suggested I divided these dreams into categories such as: Physical well-being, Spiritual growth, Relationships, Financial, and Prayer. I took a large size paper and wrote my dreams in each of those categories. Then I wrote daily ideas beside each of them for achievement.

This is a fascinating book just for the “people” stories but a self-help book and one you might use to teach others. I have found it personally very helpful.

Light in the Darkness

Man's Search for Meaning

Man's Search for Meaning