
Hi, I’m Linda

Welcome to my blog, Love, Linda Jo. You’ll find stories of our life on the mission field, resources for pastors, & some life lessons I’ve learned along the way.

In the Presence of My Enemies

In the Presence of My Enemies

This is a dynamic testimony on the Lord Jesus's grace and strength exhibited in this missionary couple who were held hostage for one year and eleven days in the Philippine jungle. On May 27, 2001 they, along with 24 others, were kidnapped by Abu Sayyaf, a terrorist group. The Burnhams were in a coastal resort area on an island called Palawan for a once in a life time getaway for their anniversary. Little did they know it would be one of the most horrific nightmares with near starvation, constant exhaustion, 17 gun battles and having to flee up hilly terrain in fear of their life. Martin Burnham , his wife Gracie and 3 children had been serving 15 years in Luzon Island as a pilot ferrying medical needs and supplies among mission sites. Martin Burnham and a nurse died in the last gun battle and attempted rescue. Gracie was wounded and rescued. The conversations this couple put forth with their own captors are full of compassion in such a hardship area. On line I have learned that Gracie Burnham has continued visits with her captors where they are in prison . These men have had changes in their lives as a result of her ministry and kindness to them. Another "take away" for me is a talk this couple had during their captivity. Martin was sharing with his wife a concern that he was wasting away the use and calling of his life in his service as a mission pilot. He was assured in his heart that his primary worthy task was worship and praise to the Lord. What a beautiful "bottom line" for me!

Land of Silence

Land of Silence

The Like Switch

The Like Switch