
Hi, I’m Linda

Welcome to my blog, Love, Linda Jo. You’ll find stories of our life on the mission field, resources for pastors, & some life lessons I’ve learned along the way.

Light in the Darkness

A.W. Milne is a missionary that went to an island in the South Pacific a century ago, knowing that all those before him had been martyred. After he lived among that tribe for 35 years and people buried him, they inscribed this on his tombstone:
“When he came there was no light
When he left there was no darkness”
What a legacy that missionary left as he courageously brought the truth of Jesus to those people beautifully wrapped in his love for them. As I reflect on some of our history with the Kenyan people since we began there 35 years ago, I do know of some positive reports that were “light” to people as our family along with the local leaders have brought food, medical care, and God’s word.

A young woman and her husband came to the campus one day when I was there bringing drinks on their bicycle for the staff. I sat down with them and ask the reason for their very generous gift. A case of drinks is quite a costly purchase for local people.
The wife said that she came to say thank you for a time about 10 years ago when she was a child and had come there to eat meals when there was severe drouth in the area. She recalled being so very hungry after not eating for several days yet was so grateful. The couple said they honor Christ in their home as well.

Local pastors and staff who prayed for people during that two months of feeding brought a report of a local pastor who had a major life change after coming with his family to eat. That pastor had been a grave disappointment to people in the area because of his very wicked lifestyle. He repented under the trees one of those days and changed his ways with his family and others in the community. It was a witness to those leaders of how the Holy Spirit brought conviction through prayer.

There have been many answers to prayer in the women’s groups. Women have believed in the Lord to give them strength to forgive and seen healing in their relationships with husbands or friends. It is very important in this culture for women to have children so prayer has been requested many times for those who have had years of being barren. Numerous ones have come back giving Jesus praise of healing for that. Nurses pray regularly for healing of patients they treat and report their joy in seeing them healed.

A few years ago a couple came to the campus when a family member was there and told them of a miracle that had changed the husband . On one of my deceased husband’s last visits to Kenya he prayed over the wife who had been told that her pregnancy was in grave danger and she needed to have surgery. My husband prayed over her and spoke of a normal healthy delivery for the baby. The husband said his wife delivered normally and it was such a miracle to him that he changed his life from alcoholism to following Christ. He ask for prayer to be a good dad to his son who was now in our school.
Light definitely dissipates the darkness. That has happened with these Tharakan people and is continuing to this day. There is most definitely a different atmosphere in this tribal area today; one of hope and well-being.

They know that they are loved and there is a community of people who will help them. Often we have had to tell people we do not have resources like secondary school fees or other needs but have prayed for them to find jobs or other provisions. Some of them have returned to tell us how God has provided for them. Knowing that is an even greater resource.

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19

All of the above acts of love, kindness, and engagement with the people have formed relationships with our dear friends in Tharaka.That process was necessary and productive; however a constant battle in prayer to battle darkness and strife and ungodly mindset among the people has been part of our journey since we first set our feet there. I give Christ the glory for victories in the principalities and for people opening their hearts to make Jesus Lord of their life.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12

Jesus' Ways: Submissive to the father God

Win the Day

Win the Day