
Hi, I’m Linda

Welcome to my blog, Love, Linda Jo. You’ll find stories of our life on the mission field, resources for pastors, & some life lessons I’ve learned along the way.

God's Hostage

Andrew and his wife, Norene worked in Turkey as Christian missionaries for 23 years, starting churches and working with refugees from Syria. In 2016, they were arrested. Though the state quickly released Norene, who remained in Turkey, Andrew was imprisoned for 735 days.

This is the story of Andrew’s imprisonment, his brokenness, faithfulness, and freedom. He is so transparent about his fears, doubts, and struggles during this isolation and prayer battle for freedom.

Andrew was wrongfully accused of being a spy and being among plotters of an attempted coup. He became a political pawn whose name was soon known around the world.

This story gives us a picture of how difficult it would be for any of us if we were forced to be isolated from our family, friends, and basic daily needs. Andrew and Norene’s experience pushed me to answer some personal questions about my own self, strength, and dependence on Christ.

Kenya Trip- July 2023

Communication (Part 2)