
Hi, I’m Linda

Welcome to my blog, Love, Linda Jo. You’ll find stories of our life on the mission field, resources for pastors, & some life lessons I’ve learned along the way.

Running For My Life

This is an inspiring true story of courage and faith. This is about a child who was taken from his village in Sudan when he was 6 years old. His mother and father were at a church service when traffickers grabbed a large group of children , forcing them into a truck and driving far away from their home. Soldiers left to guard them shoved the boys into a one room hut- then kept crowding more boys to a very small space. In coming months many of the boys died.

Three older boys included Lopez in their escape plan during the middle of the night. Crawling on their stomachs under the barbed wire fence and through fields for hours they reached an area where there was tall brush. At this point they all ran.

Lopez says they were not running in their own strength but God’s strength. His friends had told him they would try to take him to his family but they were never able to find his village. After a week of running they arrived at the Kenyan border leaving Lopez at a refuge camp. This is not the end of challenges or victories for this young boy.

I found this to be an exciting read detailing the life of a young man who gives God the glory.


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