
Hi, I’m Linda

Welcome to my blog, Love, Linda Jo. You’ll find stories of our life on the mission field, resources for pastors, & some life lessons I’ve learned along the way.


I spend much of my time in conversations with family, friends, or people in the public as I go about my day. Sometimes I even find myself observing or overhearing other conversations. Recently I have been trying to learn how to make this a more valuable endeavor for others and   myself. Whenever I persevere to change something in myself, teachings seem to pop up all around me from trustworthy friends, in Bible classes or just when I read scripture in the mornings.

This week before Easter has been a heavy reminder for me of Jesus’ last conversation with the disciples before his death on the cross for me . His conversation and activity was one of total servant hood and humility in kneeling before them and  washing their feet. Are my conversations one of a ready answer of hope in Christ or about me?

“But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”

1 Peter 3:15

Then I reflect on the many intentional, valuable conversations of Jesus in a mere 3 years of his life on earth. Specifically, he directed his talk with the “woman at the well” toward her needs and her life was changed or personally invited himself to Zaccheus’ house.         

I am asking myself if I patiently , prayerfully LISTEN to what people are saying in conversations. What do I learn from them and do they feel encouraged themselves afterwards.
In a book I read this month I read a quote from Winston Churchill that made me think about listening. Of course this is impressive from a man who influenced nations with his speaking and writing at a very critical time in history.

Courage is: What it takes to stand up and speak! OR What it takes to sit down and listen!

-Winston Churchill

From Sand and Ash

Running For My Life