
Hi, I’m Linda

Welcome to my blog, Love, Linda Jo. You’ll find stories of our life on the mission field, resources for pastors, & some life lessons I’ve learned along the way.

Under the Overpass

Mike Yankoski, a student at a college in California by his own choice, decided to see how the homeless live. From Washington D.C. to SanDiego, Mike and his friend Sam journeyed as homeless men for 5 months. They wanted to know if their faith in God would be strong on such a journey. Mike asked himself if the lack of comfort he had always known would change him. So, with only a bag on his back, a guitar in his hand, and Sam by his side, he set out and returned a changed man.

Mike said to his friend, Sam “what will I do if I’m not concerned about what I wear, what I eat, where I sleep, what people think of me, or discomforts I face.” The first night on the streets, Mike prayed “Jesus be our rock,” and he was!

As I reflect on these young men and their story, I must ask myself those same questions.

Great Book! For everyone to read. These young men return to some of the places, parks, and bridges they visited and find a few people to talk to and sing with. They advise us to look the “homeless” in the eyes- not looking like they are transparent. There are many good “take aways” from this book.

Gentle and Lowly

Kenya Safari