“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways”. Isaiah 55:8
So what are Jesus’ ways which he learned from the Father God?
They were Submissive to the Father God.
They were Passionate for the Father God.
They were Compassionate toward others.
Out of Compassion Jesus was drawn to:
Feed People
A large crowd has gathered in a very remote place and they have been there for three days to hear Jesus teach. Jesus calls his disciples to him saying that he has compassion for these people and sending them home hungry for such a distance might make some of them collapse. Then he questions the disciples about their resources which turns out to be seven loaves of bread and a few fish. Jesus prays over this and performs the miracle of feeding 4000 people - out of a heart of compassion.
Heal People
Jesus’ friend Lazarus died and he arrives at their house four days later. This is Mary and Martha’s brother who are also friends of Jesus. On his arrival the sisters and Jewish friends are weeping and Jesus is deeply moved to tears himself. The scripture says he had compassion for their sadness and loss. He ask to be shown the burial place , requested the stone to be removed and spoke life into his dear friend.
Defend People
Jesus had great compassion for people who were unjustly treated, cheated and abused. He was exhibiting his righteous anger along with compassion when he drove the money changers out of the temple. He made a strong statement that day as he drove them and their animals out calling them thieves. Jesus saw abuse of the people in the very place where worship of God should be taking place.
Talk to People
Jesus sat down by a well in Samaria to rest after sending his disciples into town for food. A Samaritan woman came to draw water and he ask her to give him a drink of water. This was unheard of because Jews did not associate with Samaritans. Jesus proceeds to have a long conversation with her about living water that would prevent her from being thirsty again. He surprises her by telling her things about her husbands and life that he would not know. At the end of their talk, she says that she expects a Messiah to come someday named Christ. Jesus says “I am He” She runs home to tell everyone in her village who she met and her life changes. That day Jesus’ compassion to talk to that woman and cross the cultural barriers was redemptive.
Comfort People
Jesus had compassion for a lady who knew touching the bottom of his robe would bring her healing. He saw more than her illness recognizing her many years of suffering. After she confessed her situation , Jesus was aware that she had risked rebuke from a large crowd of people that day to see him. He comforted her when he
said,”Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering”
Teach People
Jesus was compassionate to teach people knowing some would accept his teaching but others would try to kill him . Most everywhere Jesus taught Pharisees were trying to trap him with their questions and tried to get him arrested or take his life. He knew the people needed his teaching and they needed to have him as their shepherd. He taught people as he walked along the road, as they followed him into the hills, and in the temple courts. Jesus saw their deep needs. In the book of Matthew it says “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd”