
Hi, I’m Linda

Welcome to my blog, Love, Linda Jo. You’ll find stories of our life on the mission field, resources for pastors, & some life lessons I’ve learned along the way.

Jesus' Ways: Passionate for His Father God

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways”. Isaiah 55:8

So what are Jesus’ ways which he learned from the Father God?
        They were Submissive to the Father God.
         They were Passionate for the Father God.
          They were Compassionate toward others.

1. Jesus had a passion to please the Father, be obedient to him to give him glory. This is so evident in the answers Jesus gave during the 40 days of temptations. He wanted to know the Father’s purposes for His kingdom. He meditated on the truth of scriptures from the Old Testament. When the tempter told Jesus to tell the Son of God to turn stones onto bread he replied that man lived on every word from the mouth of God.

2. Jesus was passionate to be in the Father God’s presence. He yearned hearing the voice of God and desired to worship him above all else. In an offer for the kingdoms of the world from the tempter, Jesus told him to go away and he would worship and serve the Father only!

3. Jesus was passionate to preach and teach others God’s truth. His passion was contagious as he called disciples to join him in the Father’s business.

Another word for passionate could be “hungry”. Hungry for the scripture, hungry for Jesus’ presence, hungry for seeing others start a relationship with Christ, hungry to see CHRIST GET THE GLORY in every situation.
I love the “whatever scripture “ In summary it says “whatever you do work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. “ I have heard this rephrased as , “with extra energy, giving it loo percent” A pastor in a side comment a few Sunday’s ago put it this way- We are not perfect but we can be victorious!

Jesus' Ways: Compassionate Toward Others

Jesus' Ways: Submissive to the father God