
Hi, I’m Linda

Welcome to my blog, Love, Linda Jo. You’ll find stories of our life on the mission field, resources for pastors, & some life lessons I’ve learned along the way.

Intimacy With Christ by Jeanne Guyon

This is a book I read on a regular basis because of its depth and wisdom. As I get into new seasons in my life I need to meditate on it’s concepts anew. I trust you will enjoy her writings and be changed by a woman who saw Jesus Christ in virtually every circumstance of life.

Some of Guyon’s writings were penned from her home in Paris or Switzerland as early as 1685 while others were written while she was in the dungeon of Vincennes. She has a lot to say about being quiet and still before the Lord. This is a quote and illustration she gives on “RESTING” in Christ.

“Trust Christ as if you are blindfolded”
“See Nothing, Love Nothing, Want Nothing
……..But what he wants you to
 See, Love, Want”

Inviting People Into Conversations
