
Hi, I’m Linda

Welcome to my blog, Love, Linda Jo. You’ll find stories of our life on the mission field, resources for pastors, & some life lessons I’ve learned along the way.

Acts of Faith Series

The Centurian’s Wife

This is a very vivid story of Leah in the scripture who eventually married a Roman Centurion. It happens in Israel after the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. This book follows historical detail but helps you sense and feel the characters as they lived during their time.

The Hidden Flame

This is the story of Abigail in the scripture who suffered the loss of her family very early in life. She discovers the Messiah and what life is like with a group of persevering believers.

The Damascus Way

This is the story of scriptural  character, Julie, who becomes a part of a traveling community of believers along the Damascus road. This is my favorite of the series: I gave this series to my granddaughters when they were in high school and they still re-read them.

Reflections of Early Years in Kenya

Boys in the Boat by: Daniel James Brown