
Hi, I’m Linda

Welcome to my blog, Love, Linda Jo. You’ll find stories of our life on the mission field, resources for pastors, & some life lessons I’ve learned along the way.

Contentment- Continued

Cultivating Contentment

I have wrestled to get contentment in several seasons of my life. The three major ones were post Vietnam, moving my family to Africa, and years of Dementia care giving.

The most difficult issue in Dementia care giving was transitioning from a wife of a very strong Godly leader of 50 years to making most all of his decisions. Learning about the disease and how to communicate with him was a breakthrough. A counselor told me to separate my expectations as a wife from what he needed now in dementia care. This also brought us both satisfaction. On a daily basis I learned what he needed and how to enter his world.

It was important to make some changes for my emotional health as well. I assigned myself some outlets of fulfillment that could be done at home, like books to read, Bible study, quilting and getting help to be away for short times.

I also had a long “thank you list” I expressed to the Lord each day- Thank you I am healthy to care for my husband, have family to help, live near VA hospital .

Most of all thank you for your strength and wisdom Lord Jesus during this difficult season.

This was my journey of cultivating contentment in one of my seasons.

Rely on Christ
