
Hi, I’m Linda

Welcome to my blog, Love, Linda Jo. You’ll find stories of our life on the mission field, resources for pastors, & some life lessons I’ve learned along the way.

History Live

While we were living in Kenya during the early years we sometimes went to India to check on the work there. This involved my husband, young daughter, and myself. Her brother was in the U.S. in college. All but one year in Kenya, this daughter was homeschooled. When we were to be on a trip she worked ahead in all subjects but math and history which we took with us. How she concentrated on her daily math assignments while vegetable vendors were shouting outside our windows I do not know. At first we worked in two sections of India, Hyderabad and Orissa, which are far apart, requiring a couple of days train ride. During the train rides we read history aloud to one another along with a few Nancy Drew books- so much fun!

This is an experience in India we will always remember. This was at Christmas time. We chose this season since the rest of our family was in the U.S. This was one of the most memorable Christmas times the three of us ever had. We went to a tribal village about 3 hours from Hyderabad with our co-worker leaders there and the “Home Girls.”

We decorated a palm tree with crepe paper and put gifts under it for our home girls. Our leaders had made such elaborate plans for a drama which they presented every year for the villages, picturing the story of Christ’s birth. The evangelists in area, our home girls, and daughter were the actors.

We stayed in this village for their 3 day celebration. The second day a few Christian families joined us going house to house throughout the village singing praise to Jesus in Telegu. Even some non-Christian families had requested the group to visit their house. The last day of the celebration we all walked about two miles up the road to a tank used for watering cattle to join in the celebration of some converts to Christian faith for their baptism.

When people in India convert to Christianity it is a radical change in their life-style. They love to celebrate it. The leaders we worked with in Hyderabad have reached out to this area for a long time so there is an unusual reception to Christianity in this area.

History Live- part 2

A Thorn in the Flesh